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Internal Investigations

We have significant experience leading internal investigations for clients seeking an independent review of potential misconduct or other concerns within their organizations. Our team includes Deirdre Daly, a former U.S. attorney for Connecticut and Andrew Calamari, a former regional director of the SEC in New York. Given our backgrounds, we are respected for our ability to conduct independent and credible internal investigations on behalf of corporations, non-profit organizations, boards of directors, audit and special investigative committees, and private equity investors. 

Our internal investigations originate from a variety of sources, including whistleblower complaints, outside tips, and employee complaints, as well as press or government inquiries. We have conducted multiple sensitive investigations for public companies, universities, hospitals, asset-management companies, and private equity portfolio companies. When appropriate, we counsel leadership in how best to address and take remedial measures in response to investigative findings. For example, an eight-month internal investigation that we led for Yale University culminated in a detailed public report that the University cited for its “excellent recommendations.”  

Notable recent investigations include:

  • Investigation of parties potentially responsible for half a billion dollars in losses sustained by a mutual fund.
  • Investigation of potential compliance and control failures in connection with large scale financial fraud at health system and affiliates.
  • Investigation for an asset management firm concerning criminal charges filed against its former chief compliance officer.
  • Investigation for an international bond dealer into potential misuse of material nonpublic information obtained from a prospective investment banking client.
  • Investigation of environmental deficiencies at a large housing complex.
  • Investigation of potential kickbacks and bribery at construction firm.
  • Investigation of potential labor violations at manufacturing firm.
  • Investigation of an ethics complaint filed by a compliance employee at a public healthcare company.
  • Investigation of an alleged cyber intrusion.
  • Investigations of alleged sexual misconduct and harassment by executives of private companies and nonprofit institutions.
  • Investigations of alleged sexual misconduct at schools, including a lengthy public investigation on behalf of Yale University regarding sexual misconduct by a former medical school professor.


Finn Dixon & Herling Partner Daniel S. Noble to Speak at ACS Washington, DC: Congressional Investigations and the January 6th Committee

Finn Dixon & Herling partner Daniel S. Noble will speak at the virtual panel hosted by the American Constitution Society on Congressional Investigations and the January 6th Committee on May 3, 2022. Read more

Practical Law Interviews Partner Deirdre Daly About Conducting Internal Investigations of Workplace Sexual Harassment

Partner Deirdre Daly was interviewed about conducting sexual harassment internal investigations by Practical Law. Read more

Finn Dixon & Herling Partner Deirdre Daly Completes Independent Investigation for Yale

Yale University engaged FDH partner and former United States Attorney Deirdre M. Daly to conduct an independent investigation of complaints of sexual misconduct against a former Yale School of Medicine professor. Read more