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David Albin to present "Deal Ethics" at UT Law 20th Annual M&A Institute

On October 10th, corporate partner David I. Albin, will explore real-world ethical challenges that can make or break a deal while keeping deal lawyers from being the target of a disciplinary investigation. Read more

Litigation Attorney Jeffrey Plotkin to present at FINRA Arbitration Webinar

On September 20th at 12:00pm EST, litigation partner Jeffrey Plotkin will be joined by Debra A. Jenks, Esq. to present “Unraveling FINRA Arbitration: Strategic Insights for Legal Triumph.” Read more

David Albin Speaks at Private Equity M&A Joint Subcommittee’s Fall Meeting

On September 13, 2024, as part of the ABA Business Law Section’s Fall Meeting, corporate partner David I. Albin participated in two panel discussions. Read more